Why are you so silent...
Dont you get bored sitting here all alone all the time...
Oh! your verbally impaired, is it?
Do some sign language at least. Its not good manners, not responding to people...
My god! You are so stubborn...
I came all the way frm Bombay... Oh now Mumbai, of course... to see you. And look at you. So haughty...
All this gold makes you have this air, it seems...
But dont forget it is us who have given you all this...
Yah... My Dad is into donations and stuff so...
I dont believe in this, of course...
Giving away the hard earned money!
I' d rather watch a movie...
I can treat you there...
But clearly you seem so unintersested...
Man! you are such a bore...
Abd guess what?...
Blah!I am not going to bother anymore...
*Stands for sometime*
Chalo then! I am leaving. It was nice seeing you.
I am being sarcastic of course...
Hey. Who was that?
I kind of like him though...
He's cool
Didn't treat me like a Blah either...
Hey, guess what?
I have made my decision.
I am going after him!!!
Finally someone who treats me like i am alive. God!!!
Now where did he go????
Hey...cool boy...cool boy?
Its THAT simple! God...and life...and everything we assume isn't.
All we need to do is see what we see...
All that mankind needs is... to BE... just BE!
You see?
*High time, get a glasses if you don't... Ass*
Conversations with God. I do that often too, but assuming what he/she answers is more of an understanding of his/her presence rather than mere words.
Shivam---u are a philosopher...and i never knew that..........wow!!!
let me first make a confession...i m really weak at Conversational Poems.
i really liked this one...
and yes a grand welcome...and congratulations......
I knew you wouldn't be able to resist for too long :P
& blame my sceptical nature, but I didn't quite feel in sync with what you're trying to say..
Nice usage of words though :)
tats wat this post is abt... with god the thing is that even if u dont feel in sync with him and his ways... u never kno when he decides to tune into ur life. So the idea is to jst be oneself... innocent and truthful of course... and let him choose you. However never the less, let me tell u this esha...even if u r not a believer... everyone is in pursuit of god... HOW?...its simple...everyone has a dream, a goal, the achievement of which leads to contentment and satisfaction... and what else is god...but CONTENTMENT AND SATISFACTION?
Why is contentment and satisfaction God? Why must there be a feeling of contentment? Because when there is contentment, there is no growth. Why do you equate contentment with God? Wouldn't you, instead, want to associate God with a a spirit of perennial, unrelenting Growth?
heya gr8 post...conversation of god a gr8 thought..bt still i feel the connection with god last forever n ya the relation has endless emotions to grow n to b felt...
ya welcome to the world of blogging
b posting n enjoying
thank you Haritha!
and Anuj my friend... I am just looking at contentment as a reward! a celebration of ones achievement and a begenning of a new quest! As for growth... its just a pre requisite for god... not god himself!God is the end result...what lies in between is faith.
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