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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Locked in Locks...

My first movie ever...
Guys please let me know how you'll like it!
Shot on 3rd and 4th of January 2009.


Pratz said...

Nice movie...loved the title...perfect portrayal of obsession...

ankita said...

the first scene is the best.

Anuj said...

Very Impressive but I think the acting and length could have enhanced the effect. Super Debut though. Keep it up. The acting can certainly improve.

Shivam S said...

will reply soon...

Poorva said...

Hmmmmmm... I like you movie... a lot ..considering it's a first-time... though i think...the power of the idea deserved more intense an execution in term of acting and expression mostly...length would have added to it.. better screenplay also could help maybe but i don't know.. the concept i liked..
Good job though.. i shall wait for more! :)

Shivam S said... u pretty much liked nothing in the movie!!! LOLZ